Healthy dog food and treats - Health, beauty, fitness and sport in Mount Compass - Mount Compass forum in South Australia in Australia

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Healthy dog food and treats

Posted: Mon Nov 15, 2021 8:16pm
0 replies757 views
Donna Opie

Posts: 1

Location: Mount Compass

Joined: 15 Nov 2021

Hi my name is Donna and I am a local in Mount Compass and I just wanted to get some feed back on healthy home made dog food and treats. 🐶🥦🥕

My dog has a sensitive stomach so we have been making her food for a while now and since then she has been a totally different dog. I have recently started making her treats as well I am thinking about starting my own business as I'm sure I'm not the only one who likes to give my dog healthier food but some of us are time poor and this isn't possible. I'm just wanting a bit of feedback on whether you would be interested in buying homemade food and puppy treats and biscuits if they were available locally. Also if local businesses might be interested. I may even deliver within a certain amount of kilometres of my home. As I said, all in the beginning stages and I am working out exactly what I am going to make and setting up my business but would love feedback/ thoughts or any suggestions on what you might like to have for your precious pups.

Thanks in advance 😊 will keep you all up to date.


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